The game is now in v1.5, which is a development version. v1.5.1 video can be seen below. After that, I've changed the splash screen substantially, to improve r...
Last weekend adding the Autopilot mode changed the game play a lot, in good sense. After playing a while, I broke all previous records, and thought that going f...
Hey there! The Altay Tank Game controls now include a dramatic Autopilot! This took the game to a new level for sure! The Autopilot allows the player to become...
I've recently uploaded v1.0 of Altay Tank Game. Here's a brief summary of what happened. First, a few words about my version numbering system. As a lonesome dev...
Here's the video of @javidx9 that got me initiated to develop the Altay Tank Game. I've done the initial version within a few hours, a simple tank, some bullets...
In the latest version of Altay, I've tried to improve the user experience by implementing Levels. The player passes Levels, depending on the experience they gai...
In this update, the biggest new feature is the power ups. A little bit into the game Power ups start to show up. Currently, there's only one power up, which boo...
As of v0.3a enemies can shoot! There are two types of enemies, and each type has its own bullet type. Bullets may seem round, filled geometric shapes, but in fa...